Spring Meeting – Friuli Venezia Giulia Trophy 2020

Spring Meeting - Friuli Venezia Giulia Trophy 2020 AprilApr 25 2020 - MayMay 01 2020 UTCTRAVESIO incr VIA DEL MONTE, 33090 , Travesio/Meduno IT, Travesio PN, Italia

The Spring Meeting - Friuli Venezia Giulia Trophy, at its 4th edition, is a FAI 2 competition (Hang Gliding class 1, class 5, Sport class) which takes place in a flight zone well known by European pilots. It is also part of the big flying area which have hosted the XXII Hang Gliding World Championship.

The flight area is mainly in the foothill but, depending on weather conditions, it is possible to fly also in the Alps and in the flatland. There are different takeoffs; two of them are in Slovenia and can be chosen in case of changeable weather.

All the info at https://airtribune.com/springmeeting-2020/info/details__awards

  • AeC Lega Piloti
    Organizer of Spring Meeting - Friuli Venezia Giulia Trophy 2020
    List of comps and registrations https://www.flafly.net/legapilotidelta/#!/elenco-gare https://legapiloti.it/category/deltaplano/ Giovanni Rupil +39 328 1298835 info@springmeeting.it Bernardo Gasparini +39 349 6443947 Barbara Sonzogni +39 338 4268753 presidente@legapiloti.it
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Meduno, TRAVESIO incr VIA DEL MONTE, 33090 , Travesio/Meduno IT, Travesio PN, Italia


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