WHOA! This is in short my impressions from two days of flying here. This post is without any technical details about the area, just an intro.
Everybody knows here is this splendid lake:
I like-like-like flying over lakes and gazing at yachts and other on-water things down there, looking at the shallow waters and the different shadows of blue.
Really, unexpectedly awesome scenic place. Today was high cloud base allowing to fly wherever you would like to.
If you are a fun of ridge riding, then this is a place to go. Here you have the sharp tricky and friendly rocky and grassy knives everywhere!
Look at these fresh green colors and bits of snow making the rocky summits even more attractive:
And in the end a teaser shot of my lovely Litespeed of course 🙂
Hello from France! Hope I will have some time and the internet to cover news from the upcoming Worlds. Now it is a time to swim in the lake after flying over it earlier 🙂