Styrian Open 2017 – 3rd Place
Robert Reisinger wins the competition, I took the 3rd place overall, yohho 🙂 Robert Reisinger too the 1st place Seppi
Victorian Sand and Moyes Swooshy Litespeed
Can’t complain about this day in Victoria with Gerolf, Lukas and best ever Rob 🙂
Along my road
Australia has one remarkable and close to my heart feature — it’s a big land with lots of space! I
Manilla – Australian Spain
/ AdventureFlying Photography, Australia, Australia, Competitions, Competitions, Hang Gliding, Hang gliding
Manilla with its yellow huge fields, windy Mt. Tamborine launch, reliabe themrals and goal fields every day got deep in
The Heart of the Matter. Monitoring and post analyzing heart rate data for better flying. Example of one pilot.
/ blog, Hang gliding, heart rate, masteclasses, Publications about me, sport, Stress, Stress in flying
This article has already appeared in Cross Country Magazine in June 2016. I post it here now with an open
Macedonian CIVL Wars and Overall Impressions
/ blog, competitions, Competitions, hang gliding, Hang gliding, Macedonia, Macedonia, moyes, photos, sport
Despite this flashy heading Pre-Europeans or CIVL wars /(c)Gordon :)/ turned out to be pretty good. From the point of organization
A little milestone or 5 years of flying.
Today looking at the calendar all of a sudden I stumbled over the fact that it is 5 years since
Dune du Pyla flying in July
We got there again, to the sunny and yellow unique dune, forming over the years to the south from Arcachon,
Crossing the Main Alpine Chain from North to South
/ AdventureFlying, Alps, Alps, Austria, Austria, Avionicus, blog, Hang gliding, hang gliding, moyes, photos
Tre Cime were amazing, but glaciers of the Main Alpine Chain are magnetically attractive for those who has this miraculous
Tre Cime – from Italy to Austria over Sexten Dolomites
Here is a report about one outstanding flight to Sexten Dolomites, which Gerolf and I did a few days ago. During
Winners of Loser Open, Austria
/ AdventureFlying, Alps, Alps, Austria, Austria, blog, competitions, Competitions, Hang gliding, hang gliding, Loser, Loser, moyes, photos, sport
Loser Open was a FAI-2 competition which took place in the first week of June as was very successful with
A little introduction from Gemona before Loser Competition
The season is not starting dramatically quick here in Austria. Almost repeating the pattern of the previous year with late
End of Moscow Working Season
Let the summer begin! Sitting in the Sheremetyevo Moscow Terminal and contemplating my summer flying plans along with sorting out
Trofeo Montegrappa days 1&2
One of the first European competitions has started on 2nd April with a 93 km task, won by Christian Ciech.
What to drink, v.2 (when flying)
Nearly everybody knows that it is absolutely a must to drink electrolytes while training any kind of ordinary activities like
What to drink, v.1 about not flying
Хочу рассказать про два вида напитков, в зависимости от задач. Сперва немного про то, что не связано с полетами. Если
AVIONICUS livetracking
Dear readers, English version is right next to Russian text. Тестирование ливтреккинга Авионикус в Австралии. Ливтреккинг полетов – это многообещающая
Coastal flying in Victoria
/ afternoon flight, Australia, Australia, blog, flying, Hang gliding, hang gliding, Malibu, moyes, photos
Time to sort the photos and posts, to put the memories together, to work in Moscow for next 4 weeks,